Kundalini Reiki Level 2 Intuitive Healing
Online Training and Attunement

with Katie Emmitt, Kundalini Reiki Practitioner, Teacher, & Psychic Advisor

Thank you so much for introducing reiki into my life! It’s really, really opened up so much for me and helped me understand myself so much more! I love your energy and your enthusiasm for teaching, and even the handbooks are so clear and well structured! Really happy to be taught by you, thank you!

P. Banerji, Level 1 & 2 Student

Because I know everyone has different needs and schedules, there are several ways that you can take the Kundalini Reiki & Intuitive Healing Online Training:

  • As a 6-Week Group Course Taken on Tuesday Evenings
  • As a Weekend Group Course
  • As a 1:1 Course, Taken at Your Convenience

What Do We Learn in the Training?

  • History, Context, & Philosophy of Kundalini Energy
  • An Explanation of the Level 2 Attunement and Training Focus
  • A Special Meditation to Use During Your Integration Period
  • Healing Over Space & Time – How to Conduct Distance Healing: An Overview, Why it Works,  Pros of In-Person vs Distance Sessions, Guided Distance Healing Methods, and Working with the Hologram or Light Body
  • Step by Step Guidance for Healing Situations, Qualities, Relationships, and Past Lives (In-Person or Distantly)
  • How to Clear Dense Energy & Energetic Blocks
  • Introduction to Working with the Spirit Realm – Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Animals, etc.
  • How to Connect with Your Own Spirit Team & Deepen Your Connection to the Spirit Realm
  • Advanced Energetic Hygiene Techniques
  • Legal Information for Beginning to Take Clients & Example Waivers

What’s Included in The Six Week Course:

  • A 40 Page Kundalini Reiki Level 2 E-Handbook
  • Weekly 60-90 Minute Group Classes Conducted over Zoom with Discussion, Lecture, and Practice
  • A 1:1 or 1:2 30-Minute Online Attunement Video Call Conducted over Zoom (Includes a Guided Journey to Begin Working with the Spirit Realm & Your Spirit Team)
  • A 1:1 30-Minute Follow-Up Meeting after the Course has Ended (Scheduled at Your Convenience)
  • An E-Mailed Certificate of Completion for Kundalini Reiki Level 2
  • Lifetime Access to Your Instructor via E-Mail for Guidance, Help, or Advice

What’s Included in The Weekend Course:

  • A 40 Page Kundalini Reiki Level 2 E-Handbook
  • Two four hour Zoom meeting sessions (with breaks), conducted on a Saturday and Sunday over Zoom with Discussion, Lecture, and Practice
  • A 1:1 or 1:2 30-Minute Online Attunement Video Call Conducted over Zoom (Includes a Guided Journey to Begin Working with the Spirit Realm & Your Spirit Team) Before the Training
  • A 1:1 30-Minute Follow-Up Meeting after the Course has Ended (Scheduled at Your Convenience – Mandatory for Weekend Training Students)
  • An E-Mailed Certificate of Completion for Kundalini Reiki Level 2
  • Lifetime Access to Your Instructor via E-Mail for Guidance, Help, or Advice

What Will We Go Over During the Online Classroom Sessions?

For the Six Week Training:

  • Week 1: History of Kundalini Philosophy & Energetic Anatomy
  • Week 2: Attunements Done this Week & Distance Healing Overview
  • Week 3: Distance Healing Continued – Working with the Hologram, Practice
  • Week 4: Situational Healing, Karmic Band Healing, Past Life Healing, Working with Dense Energy & Blocks
  • Week 5: Working in the Spirit Realm & Intuitive Development
  • Week 6: Starting to Work with Clients –  Legal Considerations, Waivers, Client Records, Distance Healing Demonstration

Each week will consist of group discussion & lecture. Several weeks will also include guided practice or demonstrations. Each week you will have “homework” – things to practice, work on developing for yourself, or resources to read (articles, pages in the handbook, etc). Outside of our hour long classes, you should expect to spend 5-20 minutes a day on your homework and developing your practice (how much time you put in is up to you. I highly recommend the six week training in general for everyone, but it is especially important for those who want extra support, the discipline of having a container with more guidance, and for those who generally need more help and support when it comes to integration and staying accountable with practice. It is slower and less overwhelming than recieving all of the information in one weekend.

For the Weekend Training:

  • Saturday Part 1: History of Kundalini Philosophy & Energetic Anatomy, Situational Healing, Karmic Band Healing, Past Life Healing, Working with Dense Energy & Blocks
  • Saturday Part 2: Working with the Spirit Realm, Intuitive Development, Practice
  • Sunday Part 1: Distance Healing & Demo
  • Sunday Part 2: Starting to Work with Clients –  Legal Considerations, Waivers, Client Records, and Practice Time

I would only recommend the weekend training if you are someone who has the self discipline to practice daily after class and to integrate what was learned, has some kind of background already in energy work or spiritual practices, and has the capacity to pay attention and retain information when taking in a lot all at once. For the weekend training, you will be required to read the handbook ahead of time, meet with me for your attunement before the weekend training, practice outside of class regularly, and then meet with me for a 30 minute follow up session 2-4 weeks after class. 

When Will Classes be Held?

For the six week training, class will be held on Tuesday evenings, Eastern Time. The exact timing may fluctuate depending on the time zones of the participating students, and everyone’s respective schedules. You will have at least 2 weeks notice as to the time that our sessions will be occurring. I do my best to accommodate everyone’s time zones & schedules.

The attunement & follow up will be scheduled according to everyone’s individual schedules, and at your convenience.

Each week, I will be recording our weekly class. These class recordings will be emailed each week via a Google Drive folder, and you will have access to them for 6 months. I highly suggest attending every week’s class, as this will give you time to talk with other students & ask questions to support the development of your practice. If you are unable to attend a class, you will have access to the class recording. It is your responsibility to watch the previous week’s class recording before coming to our next session.

For the weekend training, class will be held for four hours during the day on a Saturday and Sunday, Eastern Time (about 8 hours total). The exact timing may fluctuate depending on the time zones of the participating students, and everyone’s respective schedules. You will have at least 2 weeks notice as to the time that our sessions will be occurring. I do my best to accommodate everyone’s time zones & schedules.

The attunement & follow up will be scheduled according to everyone’s individual schedules, and at your convenience.

Class will be recorded. These class recordings will be emailed the following week via a Google Drive folder, and you will have access to them for 6 months. I highly suggest attending all hours of the training, as this will give you time to talk with other students & ask questions to support the development of your practice. 

To Complete the Course:


  • Read the Handbook in its Entirety
  • Attend your Attunement
  • Attend all hours of training or confirm with me that you have watched all the recordings.
  • Attend your follow up meeting (mandatory for those who attend less than 4 classes in the six week training, and for all weekend training attendees.)


For Individual 1:1 Training:

If none of the upcoming group dates work for you, are sold out, or you prefer to do the course at your own pace, or learn better in a 1:1 environment – please reach out! You will receive the same exact training, e-handbook, attunement, and follow up, on a complete 1:1 basis. A 1:1 training is preferable for folks with a busy schedule, or who want to work at their own pace.

The cost for individual Kundalini Reiki Level 1 Online Training is $395 – payment plans are available too. Please check out the “How to Register’ tab below.

Kundalini Reiki Level 2 Online Training & Attunement Upcoming Class Dates

  • Weekend Training: July 13th & 14th 2024 – 10 Spaces Available – Time TBD. Deadline to register is 7/11

  • 6 Week Training: Meets Tuesday Evenings, EST Starting July 9th through August 13th, 2024 – 4 Spaces Available – Time 7-8pm. Deadline to register is 7/13


Send your payment of $295 by PayPal or by Venmo using the links below. In the notes section, you MUST leave your most actively checked e-mail address and the date of the class you are registering for. Once I receive payment, I will be e-mailing you your e-handbook. You will also receive Zoom call invites, notifications, and your Reiki Certificate to this e-mail address!

Pay by PayPal

Pay by Venmo

If you are in need of a payment plan, please e-mail me directly at katiemmitt@gmail.com to notify me and work out a payment schedule that works for you. Payment must be completed before the last class of the course.

For folks with financial hardship, there is a $50 discount available. I also have a partial scholarship of $150 available for one woman of color for each training (this has been reserved for the Summer 2024 training). Please e-mail me (katiemmitt@gmail.com) or let me know upon registering if you are interested in either of these offerings!

Soon I will be taking registrations & payment directly on this website! Stay tuned. Please e-mail me if you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries about the online Kundalini Reiki Level 2 Attunement Courses!

Kundalini Reiki Online Training


Why I’m Offering An Online Attunement

Truthfully, I am absolutely thrilled to offer an online training course like this because when I was searching for online reiki attunements, I was displeased with the way they were offered. I saw a lot of $20 courses that offered a distance attunement where you never actually got to interact with your instructor, and were just supposed to accept that you had received the attunement. I didn’t see many offerings where there was a real Online Classroom, in real time, with an instructor, or a real-time video chat attunement, or additional follow-up meetings to make sure their students had retained the information and could demonstrate it! I wanted to change that. Especially for people who aren’t near any major cities and who may not have access to Reiki attunements locally!

Other Benefits of an Online Attunement:

  • Complete the course in the comfort of your own home – anywhere in the world – with an experienced instructor!
  • Flexibility with your follow-up appointment – No need to devote an entire weekend to the course.
  • Flexible window for your attunement.
  • Receive your handbook as soon as you register, to read on your own time at your own pace.
  • Create a comfortable space in your own home to fully relax and get the most out of your attunement and class.
With these Online Trainings & Attunements, my goal is to offer the most thorough and comprehensive package available online. I want my students to feel confident and knowledgable as Kundalini Reiki Practitioners. I want them to be armed with knowledge of running a practice (should they choose to do so), how to practice responsibly and ethically, and how to keep themselves healthy and safe while doing energy work on others. My courses teach Kundalini Reiki with a slight blend of Usui Reiki practices, with an emphasis on intuition, knowledge of the energetic system, and practical application. My goal is to have each student finish my courses feeling confident, knowledgable, and ready to begin a safe and responsible practice. I have dreams of one day creating a network of trained, professional, empowered warrior-woman healers all across the globe!

What is Kundalini Reiki? Why do You Teach This Type of Energy Work?

There are many different types of Reiki, with Usui Reiki being the most popular. Kundalini Reiki uses a blend of Kundalini Energy and Reiki Energy, so it has an enormous potential for healing.

To learn more about Kundalini Energy, click here.
To learn more about the history of Kundalini Reiki, click here.

Kundalini Reiki is very intuitive and free flowing. It has less structure than typical Usui Reiki practiced today (similar to how Dr. Usui intended for Reiki Healing to be), and is based on intention and intuition. I personally love Kundalini Reiki because it is simple, easy to learn, and brings us closer to our own Kundalini Life Force Energy!

Are there Any Prerequisites for Level 2?

Yes – to take Kundalini Reiki Level 2, you must have taken Level 1 Reiki of any lineage and have been attuned to Reiki previously. If you did not take Level 1 with me, I will provide you with my Kundalini Reiki Level 1 e-Handbook. I take these trainings seriously and provide a lot of information to my students. It is important for me to have each student be on the same page before class begins.

Interested in taking Kundalini Reiki Level 1 with me? Click Here.

Why take a Six-Week Training?

After teaching weekend-style courses for over a year, I found myself collecting more and more information I wanted to relay to my students, without enough time to squeeze it in! As it was, teaching everything you need to know to practice intuitive energy work in a 4 hour class proved to be very difficult. While that style of teaching works for some, others are left feeling insecure in their practice or uncertain, or even “burnt out” from information overload!

As I learned more about the history & context of energy work, and continued to develop my own practice, I also came to find that these weekend style course were not just lacking in information and support, but they left out a crucial part of developing any kind of practice – which is connecting to your teacher, your peers, and getting that guidance and support as you develop your practice and go deeper. There is so much self-discovery that occurs as you develop a relationship with yourself & your spiritual practice, and I truly believe that having guidance and help along that path leads to much more positive outcomes for students.

My hope is that this 6 week course will help my students to develop a deeper practice, develop positive daily habits, and to help them feel more supported on their journey. This allows for deeper integration & practice, with weekly check-ins so no one has to feel as though they are flailing around in the dark, trying to figure out if they are “doing it right”!

What is Level 2 Good For?  Who Should Take this Class?

If you have taken Reiki Level 1 of any lineage and thoroughly enjoyed it, Level 2 may be for you! Level two is the intermediate level training where we learn about distance healing and other more advanced techniques. If you hope to have your own practice one day, would like to send reiki to souls all across the world, or would simply like to learn more about working with energy and the spirit realm, level 2 may be a perfect fit for you!

You do not have to have any experience or ‘special abilities’ to practice this type of energy healing! I firmly believe that absolutely everyone can (and should!) practice energy work.

What is Zoom? Do I Need to Download Anything?

Zoom is a website/software that hosts video meetings, conference calls, webinars, and chats. You do not need to download anything. I will simply send a URL link to you via e-mail, and when you click on the link, the video call will open in your browser. You can learn more about zoom at http://www.zoom.us