with Katie Emmitt, Energy Healer, Psychic, Teacher

Join me to learn about and deepen your connection to the four elements of matter: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

In this course, you will develop your own unique connection to the Elements and the way that you work with them in your energetic and spiritual practices. Learn to utilize them for protection, transmutation, purification, embodiment, and more.

This course is all about communing with the Earth and the Elements, developing a relationship to the Spirits of the Earth, and learning how to communicate and work with them for healing.

Each Session will Include:

  • Pre-Recorded Preliminary Video on Conducting Self Attunements, Exploring the Elements in Your Astrological Birth Chart, and How to create an altar (must watch before class)
  • Creating a Devotional Altar for the Element of that Week
  • Ceremony including: A Guided Meditation Journey and a A Guided Self Frequency Attunement to the Element of that Week
  • Journaling & Self Reflection
  • Group Discussion & Share
  • Seminar on How to Utilize that Element in your Spiritual Practice Energetically & Physically – Transmutation, Cleansing/Purification, Protection, Embodiment, Daily Practices
  • “Homework” PDF and Suggested Further Exploration
  • Ongoing Mighty Network Group to Discuss the Course, Ask Questions, Share Altars, Photos, Experiences, Digestion, etc.


Class will be held live once a week for a total of four weeks total. You will have access to the recordings and Mighty Network container for 3 months through the end of December 2024. I highly highly recommend making your best attempt to attend live if you can, but if you aren’t able to, you can catch up with the recordings.

  • Earth – August 20th 2024 8pm EST
  • Air – August 27th 8pm EST
  • Fire – September 3rd 8pm EST
  • Water September 10th 8pm EST

*I have some flexibility on timing. This is the current schedule but depending on who signs up and what everyone’s schedule is like, I am open to adjusting the time or day if it is something different that works better for everyone involved!

More Details:

When you register, you will receive access to our Mighty Network container, where you will have a pre-recorded lesson to watch that will teach you about self attunements, the basics of working with energy, and some additional bonus info on working with the elements in your birth chart.

Each class will take place live over Zoom and will last approximately 60 minutes. There may be weeks where we end a little early, or weeks where we run over slightly depending on discussion and practice. 

Each class will be recorded, and available in the Mighty Network group. If you can’t attend a class, you can easily watch the replay.

Each week, a PDF will also be uploaded to the group with suggested practices for homework, self reflection prompts, and a brief recap.

I highly suggest getting a notebook for class – we will be doing some self reflection and writing each week and you may also wish to take notes or write down your experiences for future reflection or draw visions you receive during practice.

You will not receive any kind of certification for this course. This is more about providing you with tools and new ways of working, as well as guiding you into deeper relationship with the four elements of matter. I would consider it very complimentary to any energy work or spiritual practice.

Who is this Class for Ideally?

This course is for those who wish to deepen their connection to, and relationship with, the Earth, and the Spirits of the four elements – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. It will be most beneficial for those who struggle with grounding, staying present in their current physical reality, who would benefit from spending more time outside communing with nature, those who want to learn how to feel the energy of the land and trees and water and plants, etc. and those who would like to learn how to work with Earth Spirits in their spiritual practice and energy healing work.

If you have a tendency to be very in your head, if you tend to focus more on spiritual “ascension” or “evolution” and lose connection with the physical, if you struggle to be present in your body, if you struggle to appreciate the land and trees and plants and animals, if you struggle to slow down, if you struggle with connecting to the cyclical nature of all living things, this class will definitely be a big help for you.

I would not recommend this class for people who have no interest in learning to commune with nature and the spirits of the Earth. Nor would I recommend it for people who have no interest in going outside, slowing down, being present, and who don’t enjoy nature and the natural realms.

For Individual 1:1 Training:

If none of the upcoming group dates work for you, are sold out, or you prefer to do the course over a weekend or learn better in a 1:1 environment – please reach out! You will receive the same exact training but on a 1:1 basis. A 1:1 training is preferable for folks with a busy schedule, or who want to work at their own pace.

The cost for individual Training $211 – payment plans are available too. Please e-mail me at katiemmitt@gmail.com if interested in taking this course 1:1.


Elemental Energetics Upcoming Dates

  • Dates August 20th – September 10th (See Schedule Above) – $111 – 10 Spaces Available – Deadline to register is Monday August 19th.

Register for Full Class


If you are in need of a payment plan, you may pay with PayPal or Venmo using the buttons below. I am offering a payment plan of four payments of $33, paid every two weeks for those who need it. PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL IF YOU PLAN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS (katiemmitt@gmail.com) or, in the notes section of your payment, leave your most actively checked e-mail address and the class you are registering for. Once I receive your first payment, I will be e-mailing you a link to get set up in the mighty network container.


Pay with Venmo

 Payment must be completed before the last class of the course.


Is this a Certification Course?

This is not a certification course – you will not receive any kind of certificate for this training.

I am beginning the process of stepping away from offering certification courses. I believe many people seek out certifications to “legitimize” them instead of seeking out teachers, mentors, and guides who can provide them with much more knowledge and wisdom that they can then integrate into their practice.

In my mind, a good & wise mentor, good solid information, and time to integrate & have new experiences are the greatest teachers you will find. Do not place your value as a healer on how many paper and PDF certifications you can amass. I am very much in favor of divesting from the “certification culture” a lot of healers are sucked into.

That being said, I would classify this course as being complimentary to any previous energy healing trainings or experiences that you have. You will learn new tools and deepen your connection to the elements. This is beneficial for people who work with others, just like to practice on themselves, or enjoy learning how to work with energy for their own personal spiritual practices.

What is Zoom? Do I Need to Download Anything?

Zoom is a website/software that hosts video meetings, conference calls, webinars, and chats. You do not need to download anything. I will simply send a URL link to you via e-mail, and when you click on the link, the video call will open in your browser. You can learn more about zoom at http://www.zoom.us

What is Mighty Networks? Do I Need to Download Anything?

Mighty Networks is a hosting platform for teaching, group discussion, hosting memberships, etc. It’s the platform I utilize for all of my memberships (like the Divine Wisdom Wellness Community,) and my courses and trainings. You do not need to download anything, you can access it from your web browser, but there is an app which makes it easier to open and access from any smart phone or device that I highly recommend.